Tips to Secure Your Networking During Increased VPN Usage
The growth in employees forced to work from home due to the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak has led to a massive spike in people using business virtual private networks (VPN) to secure their remote working. The US has seen a 66% growth in VPN usage. While VPN services are proving to be helpful in allowing employees to continue their jobs remotely, to help slow down the spread of COVID-19, making sure that the VPN is secure and up-to-date is vital. At a minimum, ensure that your patches are up-to-date and that you are employing multifactor authentication (MFA). Overall you have significantly increased your vulnerability across your threat landscape. Take the extra time to ensure that your network is secure.
If you do not have the expertise to either properly deploy your VPN, MFA or update patches, we are happy to help assist you. This is a complimentary service from Xiologix. These are unusual times and we are here to help ensure that your network is productive, safe, and secure.
Contact us if you would like our engineering team to assess the health and security of your network infrastructure.